Gloucester South Raiders Minor Football
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Who we are

The Raiders stand as a non-profit organization dedicated to offering local youth, aged 8-18, the chance to engage in both flag and tackle football within a secure, uplifting, and inclusive setting. Run entirely by volunteers, the Club is an active member of the National Capital Amateur Football Association (NCAFA). Both NCAFA and its affiliates adhere to the regulations and guidelines set forth by Football Ontario and Football Canada. We believe in the power of sports to shape young lives, instill discipline, and foster teamwork. That's why we're reaching out to you today to ask for your support in ensuring that our local youth football program continues to thrive and provide opportunities for our aspiring athletes.

What's in it for you

For as little as $250 annually you can expand your business's reach by connecting with our thriving community of over 2,000 engaged members and counting, advertising in a community of over 150,000. Achieve exceptional brand visibility through dedicated listings on our social media posts, website, and newsletters. Seize this opportunity to engage with a dynamic audience, elevate your reputation, and propel your business forward.

Partner with us today for unmatched value on brand exposure!

To become a sponsor or request more information, please contact:

Why Support Youth Football

Building Character: Youth football goes beyond the game. It teaches essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, resilience, and leadership attributes that will serve them well both on and off the field.

Inclusivity: Our program is committed to inclusivity, providing a space where children from all backgrounds can come together, learn, and grow. It promotes diversity, friendship, and understanding among our future leaders.

Healthy Lifestyle: With childhood obesity rates on the rise, youth football plays a crucial role in keeping our kids active and healthy. It instills the importance of regular exercise and overall well-being.

What We Need

Facilities: Our current playing fields need maintenance and upgrades to ensure the safety of our young athletes. Your support will help create an environment where they can play with confidence and focus on developing their skills.

Uniforms and Equipment: Quality uniforms and equipment are essential for the development of our players. Your contribution will go towards providing them with the best tools to succeed and enjoy the sport.

Ways to get involved 

Sponsor: Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Your support will directly impact the lives of young athletes in our community.

Share Our Campaign: Spread the word! Share our campaign on social media, email, or by word of mouth. The more people who know, the closer we get to our goals.

Volunteer: Your time is just as valuable as financial support. Join us in coaching, organizing events, or assisting with various aspects of the program.

Attend Our Fundraising Events: Keep an eye out for our upcoming events. Your participation not only supports the cause but also helps create a sense of community around our youth football program.

Contra: Opportunities exist for marketing exposure in return for products and services. 

Together, We Can Make a Difference!

Help us invest in the future by supporting our youth football program. Let's empower the next generation of leaders, athletes, and community contributors. Thank you for being a crucial part of this journey.

With gratitude,

Gloucester South Raiders Football

Web: // Facebook: /gsraidersfootball Twitter: @gs_raiders // Instagram: @gsraiders //